Getting to Japan

so……after 16 hours of straight traveling, sitting down and writing a blog post is not exactly ideal……especially when I haven’t slept in 16 hours…….and I have to get up at 6 AM tomorrow and it’s already 1 AM……but if I don’t write this all down now, I’m going to forget it…..

So the flight over would have been fine, since it was only around 10-11 hours……but we hit some pretty good turbulence for a lot of the ride, so for about 90% of the flight, I was super motion sick, even though I took drammamine before we took off…
but at least I kept my dinner down…..unlike the girl next to me……good thing I was absorbed in watching a movie when that happened, or else I definitely would have followed suit….

Anyway, we ended up landing about an hour earlier than was scheduled, however, somehow my suitcase was lost, and so I had to fill out a whole bunch of baggage paperwork to get it sent to my college when it finally arrives….
Also, lucky for me, the guy sitting in the aisle seat was heading to Tokyo Station by the same train I was, so we traveled together until I parted ways with him at Shinagawa Station(because he ended up deciding to go to the stop after mine)
at Shinagawa station, I booked it to the Shinkansen(bullet train) ticket machines, bought a ticket with a departing time 5 minutes from then(which probably wasn’t a great idea) and sprinted onto the train just as the doors were closing.
The best thing about trains is that even though you have assigned seats, as long as you end up in those seats, you can board on any car.  So, since I almost didn’t make it, I dashed onto the nearest car(which happened to be 6) and then as the train started moving, I walked down to car number 15.

Since for some reason my phone decided not to work internationally(even though I was prepared to pay international roaming) I couldn’t contact the person I was staying with, so instead of her picking me up at Nagoya station, I then had to take the subway to a stop closer to her house.  Which would have been fine if I had gotten on the right subway the first time……but when they’re two subways with the same names going in opposite directions… am I supposed to know!?
I don’t even know how to take subways in English, let alone Japanese……and I still can’t figure out Japanese train/subway maps…….
Anyway, luckily the subway line for the wrong direction ended one stop later, so when everyone evacuated except me, it was pretty obvious that I had missed something……
So after the conductor directed me to the correct side of the subway tracks, I then boarded the correct subway and took that down to the stop that my friend had told me to get to.

Moral of the story, I over think and underestimate things a lot…… and I never want to sit down again…..
anyway, I should be getting to bed….since I have another long day tomorrow…..
